
Working In Remote Teams and Matrix Organizations

Providing Leadership Across Organizational and Geographic Boundaries

The challenge of leading and working in teams has always been a significant one. Traditionally this process has taken place in a single location working with others who share a similar cultural outlook and who work together over an extended period of time.

In recent years, the pressures of globalization and the possibilities of technology have combined to add new layers of complexity and challenge to the already formidable task of building and leading a team. Remote teams operate across time zones with little or no face-to-face contact. They must deliver results and present a unified face to the outer world without the mortar of day-to-day interaction which cements traditional teams. They typically bring together members from different cultures with conflicting values, experiences and beliefs about how teams should operate. Frequently they also require members to work in matrix relationships and to influence others without formal authority.

This workshop equips participants with the insights, strategies and tools needed to meet the unique challenges posed by remote teams and matrix organizations.

Who Should Attend?

Workshop Objectives

By attending this highly interactive workshop, you will:

Workshop Duration

 Three days.

Workshop Content

What’s Different About Remote Teams and Matrix Organizations?

Influencing Team Member Behaviour

Communicating Across Time and Distance

Navigating Cultural Differences

Managing the Process of Team Development

Building and Managing Remote Relationships

Managing and Using Your Network

Building Stronger Team Relationships One Conversation at a Time

Applying New Learning Back on the Job